Skilled Physical Therapy (for Musculoskeletal and Neuro Disorders and Generalized Aging Deficits)
Skilled Physical Therapy services are also offered to manage musculoskeletal, neuro disorders and generalized aging deficits. If you have Medicare Part A, but your home health services have been discontinued and you choose not to utilize your Part B outpatient coverage, we can be utilized. Reasons you may decide not to use your Medicare Part B coverage to an outpatient clinic include:
- Time constraints
- Difficulty with transportation
- Full-time in-home caregiver to a family member
- High co-pays
- High deductibles
- Frustrations with the lack of one-on-one outpatient treatments
- Decrease in quality care due to short treatment durations
In these situations, we offer cash-based private physical therapy services in the home.
These visits typically run 60 minutes.
Call now to set up your first appointment. We can get most patients in within 48 hours.
Call Us Today For More Information.
You Can Reach Us At (904) 540-5325.